**I picked up an ARC at a festival. These are my honest opinions, and in no way was I compensated for this review.**

If I'm Being Honest by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka
Release Date: April 23, 2019
My Rating: 4 stars
Summary: High school senior Cameron Bright’s reputation can be summed up in one word: bitch. It’s no surprise she’s queen bee at her private L.A. high school—she’s beautiful, talented, and notorious for her cutting and brutal honesty. So when she puts her foot in her mouth in front of her crush, Andrew, she fears she may have lost him for good.
In an attempt to win him over, Cameron resolves to “tame” herself, much like Katherine in Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. First, she’ll have to make amends with those she’s wronged, which leads her to Brendan, the guy she labelled with an unfortunate nickname back in the sixth grade. At first, Brendan isn’t all that receptive to Cameron’s ploy. But slowly, he warms up to her when they connect over the computer game he’s developing. Now if only Andrew would notice…
But the closer Cameron gets to Brendan, the more she sees he appreciates her personality—honesty and all—and wonders if she’s compromising who she is for the guy she doesn’t even want.
But the truth is you're a bitch, Cameron Bright.I enjoyed Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka's debut, Always Never Yours, so I was already excited for their next book If I'm Being Honest, especially when I heard the comparison to 10 Things I Hate about You, which is one of my favorite movies! And what an apt comparison because this book did not disappoint. If I'm Being Honest was such a great read.
This is definitely very "90s teen flick"-esque, and I loved it, especially because they expanded on the tropes. Instead of a makeover montage (à la She's All That), Cameron makes a list of people to help as a way to make herself a better person. Similarly, she befriends the "weirdo" of the grade (Bring It On or Clueless), but she doesn't make her over (wow, why are so many movies that hinge on makeovers). And, of course, this book is based on The Taming of the Shrew just like 10 Things I Hate about You.
Cameron is definitely one of the best unlikable heroines in YA, if not the best (because honestly, we don't get a lot). I mean, yes, it was a bit hard to empathize with her at first because of all the dick-ish things she would say, but you grow to love her. That's good writing right there!!
You know, being yourself isn't permission to be a terrible person.The character developments were definitely some of the best and most realistic I've read in YA. I liked that Cameron called out her friend for being a bad friend, but she didn't immediately reflect over her actions and change. Some people are just like that; they place the blame on everybody else and ice you out when you say anything remotely negative about them, even if it's constructive. Also, it was nice to see her friend call Cameron out for ghosting her and their other friends because that's what somebody would actually do in this situation. Usually this is just glossed over in other books.
The romance was super cute! I stan one boy and one boy only, and that is Brendan. He and Cameron have a bit of a hate-to-love relationship because she was one of the kids who would make fun of him in elementary school. However, they bond over the video game he's creating. (Also! Cameron being into coding! As a CS gal myself, I really enjoyed reading another girl who's interested in it.) I did think that the last time she lashed out at him went a little too far, but again, unlikable heroine, so.
There may or may not be cameos from certain characters from Always Never Yours, and that's all I have to say on that [smirking face].
I think it might be literally impossible to be your friend and not be inspired to be yourself. Be real. Be brave.If' I'm Being Honest was such a delightful read. If I'm being honest, I definitely recommend this one if you're looking for a fun, 90s-esque rom-com! You can pick it up on April 23.
About the Authors: Emily Wibberley grew up in Southern California, but instead of working on her nonexistent tan at the beach, she spent her time reading, making music and watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Shortly after falling for her best friend, Austin Siegemund-Broka, she attended Princeton University where she graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2014 with a degree in Psychology. She and Austin now live and write YA contemporary together. Their debut, Always Never Yours, will be published by Penguin Books in Summer 2018.
Austin Siegemund-Broka cowrites YA contemporary with Emily Wibberley. His debut with Wibberley, ALWAYS NEVER YOURS, publishes from Puffin/Speak in 2018.
A former journalist in the entertainment industry, where he covered the courts and, yes, met a couple celebrities, he graduated from Harvard in 2014 with a degree in English and a focus on Shakespeare. When he's not writing (or reading) YA, he enjoys combing every corner of contemporary music and watching Buffy with Emily.
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